Sunday, 22 March 2009

Love or Lust?

This tutorial was written by me on 9th March 2009
Any similarities to other tutorials are completely coincidental
and unintentional. I try and keep my tutorials as simple as
possible, but they are written assuming you have a good
working knowledge of PSP and Animation Shop


Love or Lust scrapkit by Bluey of BlueDream Designs. You can obtain the kit HERE
Font of choice
Tubes of choice. I am using the artwork of Keith Garvey
You must have a licence to use his work which you can purchase from HERE

Ready? Then let's get started :)

Have all your supplies open in PSP but minimise for now

1. Open the love or lust book frame from the kit. Add a new raster layer and floodfill white

2. Using your magic wand select inside the frame and go to selections, modify and expand by 8.
Copy and paste a paper of choice into the frame and go to selections, invert and hit delete on your keyboard. Drag the paper layer below the frame layer

3. Add your tube as a new layer, placing it inside the frame so it's half in and half out. A laying down tube would work best with this tutorial

4. Copy and paste the ornament as a new layer and place at the top left of your tag. Duplicate that layer and then go to image and mirror

5. Add any elements of your choice. I used some of the flowers, a couple of bows and one of the lust beads

6. When you're happy with your tag add your name and copyright and save as a png file

That's it all done - thanks for trying my tutorial and remember you can post your results
on the appropriate thread

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