Well what can I say?! Don't mean to blow my own trumpet but I am so pleased with the way this came out - it's a very long winded tut but so worth the result in my humble opinion lol. Click on the tag to get the full effect of the animation :)
This tutorial was written by me on 9th May 2009. Any similarities to other tutorials are completely coincidental and unintentional. I try to keep my tuts as simple as possible but they are written assuming you have a good working knowledge of PSP and Animation Shop
Silver Shadow Scrapkit by Simply Sensational Scraps
Mask 249 by Weescotslass
Alien Skin constellation (optional)
VM Natural sparkle (optional)
Font of choice. I am using Inspiration ROB
Tube of choice. I am using the awsome artwork of Keith Garvey
You will need to purchase a licence from MPT to be able to use
his work
Ready? Then let's get started
Open your supplies in PSP and minimise for now
1. Open a new image 600 x 600 and floodfill white. Copy and paste paper 9 as a new layer. Apply the mask and ungroup layers
2. Copy and paste frame 8 as a new layer. Add a small dropshadow and resize by 80%. Using your magic wand select inside the frame and go to selections, modify and expand by 8. Copy and paste paper 20 as a new layer then go to selections, invert and hit delete on your keyboard
3. Copy and paste frame 3 as a new layer and resize by 70%. Add a small dropshadow and rotate 45 to the right. Copy and paste your tube as a new layer and dropshadow
4. Copy and paste one of the flowers. Resize by 40% and add a small dropshadow. Copy and paste a few more of the flowers and arrange at the bottom of your tag. Merge the flowers together
5. Copy and paste one of the doodles as a new layer and drag to the bottom of your other layers but above the white background layer. Duplicate and mirror
6. Add a few other elements of choice. I just added some butterflies but the choice is yours :). At this stage add your name and copyright as well
7. Duplicate the merged flowers layer so you have three in total. Rename them flower 1, flower 2 and flower 3. Duplicate the bracket frame layer so you have three in total and rename them bracket 1, bracket 2 and bracket 3
8. On flower 1 layer add VM natural sparkle filter with the following settings:-
12, 255, 255, 255, 255 and random seed 44.
Add the same settings to flower 2 but with random seed 45. Add the same settings to flower 3 but with random seed 46
9. On the bracket 1 layer add Alien Skin constellation filter with the following settings:-
2.42, 100, 100, 0, 100, 49. Twinkle rotation 45, keep original image and random seed 1
Add the same settings to bracket 2 but hit the random seed button once
Add the same settings to bracket 3 but hit the random seed button once more
1. Hide bracket layers 2 and 3, and flower layers 2 and 3. Then go to edit and copy merged. Paste into animation shop as a new animation
2. Back in PSP, hide bracket layer 1 and unhide bracket layer 2. Hide flower 1 and unhide flower 2. Edit, copy merged and in AS go to edit and paste after current frame
3. Back in PSP, hide bracket layer 2 and unhide 3. Hide flower 2 and unhide flower 3. Go to edit and copy merged and in AS go to edit and paste after current frame
View animation and save as a GIF file
Thanks for trying my tutorial
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