This tutorial was written by me on 29th April 2009.
All similarities to other tutorials are completely
coincidental and unintentional. I try to keep my tuts
as simple as possible bu they are written assuming
you have a good working knowledge of PSP and Animation
Lilac Dreams Scrapkit from Simply Sensational Scraps HERE
SG cornered octagon mask from Essex Girl HERE
Font of choice - I am using Inspiration ROB
Tube of choice. I am using the artwork of Anthony Guerra
You must have a licence to use his work which you can
purchase from CILM HERE
Ready? Then let's get started :)
Open your supplies in PSP and minimise for now
1. Open a new image 600 x 600 and floodfill white. Copy and paste paper 1 as a new layer. Apply the mask and ungroup layers
2. Copy and paste one of the lace frames as a new layer. Resize by 90% and add a small dropshadow
3. Use your magic wand to select inside the frame then go to selections, modify and expand by 10. Copy and paste paper 11 as a new layer then go to selections, invert and hit delete on your keyboard. Drag the paper layer below your frame layer
4. With the frame layer still selected copy and paste your tube and place inside the frame. When happy with placement go to selections, invert and hit delete on your keyboard. Change the blend mode to luminance legacy and lower the opacity to around 55%. Deselect
5. Copy and paste your tube again but position to the left of your tag, or wherever happy. Add a small dropshadow. X out your main tube layer for the moment so you can see where you're working
6. Copy and paste the leaves as a new layer, resizing by 50%. Add a small dropshadow. Duplicate the leaves a few times and arrange them at the bottom of your tag. Copy and paste a selection of the flowers, resizing as necessary, and arrange them on top of the leaves. Unhide your main tube layer and drag to the top of all the other layers
7. Add any other elements of your choice. Add your name and copyright and save as a PNG file
That's it all done! Thanks for trying my tutorial :)
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