This tutorial was written by me on 19th April 2009
Any similarities to other tutorials are completely coincidental
and unintentional. I try and keep my tutorials as simple as
possible, but they are written assuming you have a good
working knowledge of PSP and Animation Shop
Caring Carrie Scrapkit from Designs by Ali HERE
Font of choice. I am using Miss Lankfort
Mask 248 by Weescotslass HERE
Tube of choice. I am using the artwork of Jennifer Janesko.
You will need a licence to use her work
which you can purchase at CILM HERE
Ready? Let's get started!
This is a nice easy tutorial :)
1. Open a new image 600 x 600 and floodfill white
2. Copy and paste a paper of choice as a new layer and apply the mask
3. Copy and paste one of the frames as a new layer. Add a small dropshadow
4. Using your magic wand select inside all the white parts of the frame. Then go to selections, modify and expand by 6. Keep selected and copy and paste your tube as a new layer, then go to selections, invert and hit delete on your keyboard. Keep selected still and copy and paste a paper of choice as a new layer. Then go to selections, invert and hit delete on your keyboard again.
5. Add any other elements of choice, I used some flowers and one of the dragonflies
6. Add your name and copyright and that's it, all done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial, if you would like your result added to my slideshow please send it to me by email
Hi,good luck to you...